Outdoor Learning Online Training Course

The Advanced Certificate in Forest School and Outdoor Learning

Ground your knowledge, extend your skills and gain confidence in taking groups outdoors

Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you already have a keen interest in outdoor learning. You might have taken CPD courses. Or downloaded a bundle of Forest School activities.

You know that working with nature benefits young and older people alike.

In particular, in our post COVID world, you’ve seen how access to green space helps people manage their mental and physical health.

Elsewhere, you can’t escape news stories of real people suffering the consequences of climate change.

For these reasons, you know Governments worldwide are taking nature seriously.

We’re all collectively thinking… is Mother Nature right after all?

Because Mother Nature is like any other mother. It:


Provides food and nutrients

Comforts and soothes

Answers our every need

And yet…

If you’re a teacher, healthcare worker or outdoor practitioner considering taking groups of people outdoors… you know outdoor learning and nature-based sessions require considerable planning.

In addition to having a tool kit of tried and tested outdoor learning activities, you know outdoor learning and wellbeing sessions involve a change of location.

Moreover, they require risk assessments.

Perhaps you need to convince colleagues/senior staff.

Perhaps you still need to convince yourself.

You ask yourself, does the result justify the means?

It’s a familiar story.

But don’t worry. You’re not alone.

These are the reasons why I co-authored the book “The Essential Guide to Forest School and Nature Pedagogy.”

The book discusses the models, methods, worldviews, and values that underpin teaching in nature.

So, where am I going with this?

Because of the excellent reaction to the book, I’ve decided to take the themes, and show you how to put them into practice by converting them into a new online training course.

What makes this new Forest School and Outdoor Learning Online Training course so special?

My new Advanced Certificate in Forest School and Outdoor Learning digs deep into the learning and theory behind nature connection and outdoor learning practice.

The aim is to build the context and make the practical activities you’ve learnt so far, easier to apply in real-life settings.

As social psychologist Kurt Lewin said: “There is nothing so practical as good theory.”

What the Advanced Certificate in Forest School and Outdoor Learning online training course will cover

You’ll learn the connection between outdoor practice and:

  • Mental health (cognitive, problem solving, communication)
  • Physical health
  • Emotional/wellbeing
  • Spiritual health

To help locate you and your groups to the place and moment, I plan to release my online course modules in line with the changing seasons.

You can expect each module to include a sensory meditation and a conservation activity.

What’s included in this course?

Outdoor Learning Online Training course contents

You’ll learn the concepts behind the techniques

We’ll dig deeper into the process of what happens when you teach someone how to light a fire or forage from the wild.

Because you’re not just teaching practical skills. You’re also teaching people communication and collaboration skills. You are meeting their needs. And building resilience and satisfaction. Plus, you’re boosting psychological and emotional wellbeing. Thereafter, you’re assisting physical and developmental health.

As a result, life feels more meaningful.

At the same time, you’ll learn all the health and safety aspects you need to know to take groups of people outdoors.

You’ll get ideas to solve real-life problems

When you understand the ‘why’ behind your practical knowledge, you can apply your practical knowledge in real life.

You’ll find it easier to plan and carry out practical activities.

Because when you understand the theory, you can make sense of evidence-based outdoor learning practice.

How visual and engaging online content makes it easy for you to understand the theory and learn

My seasonal webinars will broaden your skills and understanding of outdoor learning and outdoor teaching. What’s more, they’re convenient. You can watch live or playbacks from the live recording.

Then, my videos will bring your online course to life and give you a practical learning experience. Better still, they’ll aid retention.

After that, my live events will cement your knowledge by allowing you to ask questions.

But that’s not all. You’ll also get access to a wide range of downloadable resources – meaning you’ll always have back up information at your fingertips.

Finally, you can expect an expert to deliver all the content – me!

How do I sign up to this outdoor learning online training course?

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