Change the Dynamic

The Outdoor Teacher hosts a range of resources to help experienced mental health and wellbeing practitioners harness the healing power of nature in a safe and secure environment

“Marina Robb has a vast and deep knowledge of the outdoor world. Her enthusiasm is catching as she is such a skilled and passionate teacher. If you have a chance to learn from Marina - take it! She is a wonderful teacher”

Charlotte Savins, Psychotherapist and Play Therapist

Change the Dynamic

Great children’s counsellors achieve amazing results for their clients. It’s an admirable balancing act; combining the need for a relaxed, approachable relationship, and the serious work of looking after someone’s mental health.

The Outdoor Teacher hosts a range of resources to help experienced mental health and wellbeing practitioners harness the healing power of nature in a safe and secure environment. 

Our accessible training modules and templates will support you with nature-informed approaches to introduce wide-ranging conversations around personal and emotional development. We also provide all the tools necessary to manage risk and compliance with confidence.

Case Study:

Read our Case Study on Green Interventions and Dementia

Testimonials for our Forest School Activities Online Training

Marina inspires me to want to get outdoors and build a fire!

I found the content and videos very accessible, fun to watch and try out, and Marina inspires me to want to get outdoors and build a fire! Easy to follow instructions, with really helpful visual demonstrations that support the written information beautifully, with bite-sized chunks which don’t overwhelm or patronise!

Evalynne CharmerPaediatric & Family Hypnotherapist & Parent

Marina shows you how it's done and also encourages you to find your own way

Enabling young people to experience the natural environment is so important for their health and well-being. Marina brings together the skills, knowledge and passion to do just that. The module activities are adaptable to meet the different needs of different people with the focus on having fun, being together, building skills and keeping safe. Shared activities and learning in a natural environment breaks down barriers, brings people together and gives meaning and purpose to a person's experience. Marina shows you how it's done and also encourages you to find your own way. 

Paul StanfordPaediatric Occupational Therapist

After watching the videos I felt confident

This is such a helpful and practical module. Marina takes you through the process of building a shelter in a step by step process. The videos are clear and informative, and by the end, you will be skilled up for building shelters - large or small. After watching the videos I felt confident about doing the knots, as they are explained so clearly. I highly recommend it.

Charlotte SavinsArts Psychotherapist, EMDR & Play Therapist

Take a look at some of the activities you’ll learn

Using Knives

In this lesson you will learn how to use secateurs and knives for some simple whittling. We will take another look at the ratios you may need to think about when using knives and other tools with children as well as revisiting some typical woods for whittling. We will also show you some clips from our ‘knife protocol’.

Fox Walking Game

Many of the games we enjoy enable a group to develop their natural senses and begin to increase their self and nature awareness. Fox walking, a way of walking that derives from watching and learning from predators like the fox, provides a skill to walk slowly and quietly through the woods.

How to make a Wooden Mallet

This activity teaches many useful skills from using the saw to knife work. It can be done with all ages, as long as we apply the different methods of using tools from the other videos.

The Forest School Activities Training

Our foundation training course comes with lifetime access to over 100 step by step inspirational videos and resources.
Designed for teachers and practitioners. Single modules are £47 +vat or save £100 when you buy the 8 module bundle

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